This online calculator developed by an Actuarial Research professor will estimate how long you should expect to live, including your healthy years and unhealthy years.
Beethoven’s 10th Premieres
The lead artificial intelligence researcher on a project to complete Beethoven’s 10th Symphony tells how it all came together, leading up to a world premiere on October 9, 2021.
The Origins of Easter
Where did the name “Easter” originate? When did Easter eggs and the Easter bunny make their appearance? Read a short history of the holiday by Religious Studies scholar Brent Landau.
Inside the Beatles’ messy breakup, 50 years ago
“Paul Quits the Beatles” was the headline on April 10, 1970 after Paul McCartney hinted he was leaving the band.
Should You Wear a Face Mask?
U.S. health officials now recommend people wear cloth masks in public areas where social distancing can be difficult, such as grocery stores.
How Fashion Promoted Social Distancing
A historian writes about how fashions of the past were an early social distancing construct to keep people separate.
4 Tips for Staying Connected
An anthropologist identifies four communication strategies for people to maintain social connection.
What ‘Walden’ can tell us about social distancing
The author of three books about essayist, poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau says “Walden” has much wisdom for us in trying times like today.
How to Help Kids Feel Secure During the Pandemic
Childhood anxiety scholar Mirae J. Fornander outlines strategies parents and grandparents can follow to keep kids feeling secure.
5 Things to Know About Hand Sanitizer
Biologist Jeffrey Gardner how hand sanitizer works and why he doesn’t recommend making your own at home.
Social distancing: Our best tool to fight coronavirus
As the coronavirus spreads into more and more communities, public health officials are placing responsibility on individuals to help slow the pandemic. Social distancing is the way to do it. Geriatrician Thomas Perls explains how this crucial tool works.
A coronavirus recession may be coming: What to do with your money?
The odds of a recession due to the new coronavirus outbreak are rising every day. Finance Professo Alexander Kurov advises what to do with your investments
How To Avoid a Fall
The CDC estimates that one in four older adults will fall each year. Here’s what you can do to avoid a dangerous fall.
5 things you can do to make your microbiome healthier
It’s common for people to focus on their health at the start of the year. But few consider the well being of the microbes that live inside the human gut – the microbiome – which are vital to an individual’s good health
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